スムーズにご注文いただく為に、ご注文書の項目にパーツコード(機種名/Ref.No./パーツNo. )を必須で記載いただきますよう
Ref.No./パーツNo. が空白の製品については表記のある番号のみで結構です。
例)G-10 6 G10-004-1002 マニホールド、 316 SST、 BSPT ※空白で繋げて表記
例)G-10_6_G10-004-1002 マニホールド、 316 SST、 BSPT ※アンダーバーで繋げて表記
例)G-10,6,G10-004-1002 マニホールド、 316 SST、 BSPT ※カンマやアスタリスクで繋げて表記
Pickling is not necessary with Algovision’s polishing equipment.
The excellent polishing power of high-speed flowing water and abrasive particles enables completion of dross, removal of oxide film, mirror finishing, and dimensional crossing in a single process. No pickling reduces the impact on the global environment. It is also possible to reduce the gas generated by waste water, which adversely affects the surrounding environment and workers’ health.
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This is a technical device that efficiently polishes workpieces in a short time by adjusting the flow rate, pressure, and time of slurry mixed only with water and abrasives flowing in one direction.
Hazardous chemical agents and expensive diamonds are not used. The abrasive particles used are inorganic materials, which are relatively inexpensive and environmentally friendly. The polishing action is a simple and easy technology that utilizes physics and does not have a complicated structure.
Our fluid polishing technology was originally developed to remove the melted and resolidified layer (also known as the machining alteration layer/white layer) after WEDM and EDM processing of cemented carbide molds and steel-based resin molds such as SKD material.
Initially developed as a “composite fluid polishing” technology that combines oxidation treatment and fluid polishing technology for melting and resolidifying layers, the process technology has been further developed to enable mirror polishing.
It is now possible to easily remove the molten and resolidified layer in 5 to 15 minutes without oxidation treatment. The slurry used does not contain expensive diamond particles, but inexpensive hard mineral materials that are readily available on the market, dispersed and mixed in tap water, making the equipment easy for anyone to handle, with low running costs.
We also provide technical consulting services to remove the molten/resolidified layer (work alteration layer/white layer).
そもそも当社の流体研磨技術は、超硬合金金型やSKD材などのスチール系樹脂成形金型のWEDM,EDM加工後の溶融再凝固層 (加工変質層/白層とも呼ばれる)を除去する目的で開発されました。
当初は、 溶融再凝固層を酸化処理と流体研磨技術とを合わせた”複合流体研磨”技術として開発されたものであり、その技術を更に鏡面研磨が可能となるようにプロセス技術の開発を進めてきたものです。
溶融再凝固層 (加工変質層/白層)を除去するための技術コンサルティングも行っております。